Feb 9, 2021

Undefined symbol: ___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow

React Native 0.63.4 IOS BUILD ISSUE

Undefined symbol: ___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow

Undefined symbol: ___darwin_check_fd_set_overflow

To solve this issue just update the Flipper-Folly version.

Steps to solve this issue.

  1. Go to your project node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods.rb.
  2. Update versions[‘Flipper-Folly’] ||= ‘~> 2.2’ to versions[‘Flipper-Folly’] ||= ‘~> 2.2.0’
  3. Now delete podfile.lock file in ios folder
  4. Now execute following commands one by one in vscode terminal under projects ios folder
  5. cd ios
  6. pod deintegrate
  7. pod install

Thats it

Now Go for building project and issue will resolved.

For any query or problem feel free to comment.

Thank you friends.

Happy Coding.


Written by joKeRCodinG

Enthusiastic Programmer. Love coding and finding problem's solution. Curious to explore new things.

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